The Child Development Benefits of Building Forts!

So, school has been canceled and your kids are stuck at home complaining about being bored. Due to the shutdown resulting from rising covid19 cases, there aren’t many places to go, and you can’t really visit anyone. Therefore, it seems that the only thing to keep children busy is to let them watch tv or…

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Is the Coronavirus Causing Special Needs Kids to Fall Through the Cracks?

Most child development experts believe “the earlier the better” when it comes to detecting developmental delays in children. However, social distancing due to COVID-19, has made early detection increasingly difficult. Social distancing is keeping children away from teachers and various other childcare providers, many of whom can be critical sources for early identification of delays.…

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My New Year’s Resolution

I want to share with you my one of New Year’s resolutions.  I have a few which include getting better organized, getting in shape, spend less time working.  But I wanted to share with you one and I hope you’ll join me in it.  And that is less screen time. There has been a lot…

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Fine Motor Development – Part 1

Hi everyone, it’s Jason.  I am taking a quick break from the kids at my clinic this morning and I wanted to talk to you about one of the three areas of development that we work on at our clinic.  Most everyone knows how to recognize a speech delay because it’s obvious when your child…

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Is Your Child’s Messy Handwriting Effecting Their Learning?

If your child struggles with messy handwriting, then you as a parent might have more than sloppy handwriting to worry about. Kids who struggle with handwriting tend to worry more about the legibility of their words and forming letters rather than forming ideas and getting them on to paper.  It’s the formulation of ideas and…

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Echolalia: What Is It? How to Work With It

Today, I want to talk to you about Echolalia.  Many kids on the Autism spectrum, and sometimes children who are not on the spectrum, present this.  While you may not have heard the name Echolalia, you have likely encountered it, especially if you have regular involvement with a developmentally delayed child or a child with special needs.…

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When to Be Concerned Radio Clip

This is a small clip from a radio interview. We in healthcare need to learn to trust a mother’s intuition!

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“I hate you Mom!”

Recently, I received an e-mail from a mother in which she included a picture of her son’s bedroom door.  On his door, her son had posted a hand written sign saying, “I hate you mom.”  She explained that her son has some developmental delays, and because of those delays, his behavior can be off at…

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Why Doesn’t My Child’s Therapist Give Me Anything to Work on at Home?

Last week, I discussed the importance of being informed about what is happening in your child’s treatment room. I decided to address this particular question, since I have received multiple e-mails and facebook messages, asking for advice in this area. However, there is a second question I often get asked by parents. “How does my…

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Don’t Know What’s Happening in Your Child’s Therapy?

I have received many responses regarding my last post about whether or not you, as the parent, should be in the therapy room with your child.  Many of you emailed me asking two questions.  The first question many of you asked was “how do I know what is happening in therapy, if I’m not able…

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