How Has The Lock Down Affected Your Child’s Social Skills?

Are you worried about the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on your kid’s social skills? Don’t be. There’s a lot to be gained from time spent with family, or even time spent on their own. Before the coronavirus pandemic began, kids went to school, church and playgroups. They went to the park and played out…
7 Tips On How to Be the Best Grandparent to a Special Needs Child

One question that I am frequently asked by parents of children with whom I work, is how they as parents should handle the questions and advice that they are often given from members of their own family. Normally, I would write this article to help the parents of children who have some sort of developmental…
10 Tips to Help Your Special Needs Child Through Distance Learning

Schools have been closed since March, and there seems to be little hope of in person education happening in the fall. School districts are announcing delays to the start of school. However, school will have to start at some point and in some form. Right now, the most -likely form appears to be remote learning. …
Top 10 Signs Your Child Has a Sensory Processing Disorder

Your child throws a fit every time he gets his hands dirty. Or, your child is always getting in trouble for playing too rough at school. Maybe your child won’t eat anything except toast, no matter how hungry he or she is or how many different foods you‘ve put in front of him or her.…
How Do Your Digital Habits Affect Your Kids? It’s Unfortunately Not What You Think

You may recall one of the earlier posts on my website where I showed you what I think is the worst picture every taken of me. It’s not because of the massive bed head I was sporting. It was because I was sitting with my son next to me as he was trying to get…
Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten? Here’s How To Tell!

It’s July, and that means, the beginning of school is (hopefully) around the corner. If you’re like my wife and myself, you are desperately praying that schools open this fall! If it’s time for your child to enter kindergarten for the first time, this may be a day that you’ve been looking forward to. Or, for…
How To Talk To Your Children About Racism

If we want to raise our children to be compassionate people who can contribute to society as responsible citizens, then we need to find ways to talk to our children about some of the thornier issues that we struggle with in this country. First of all, let me explain who I am. I am a white…
Advantages and Drawbacks to Online Therapy For Special Needs Children

Special Education Services and Distance Learning: Does it Work? The Covid-19 Crisis has closed schools and rehabilitation clinics. But that hasn’t stopped the need for services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. Many schools and clinics have made the pivot to online therapy, or telehealth, in order to continue providing various therapies.…
Lack of Socialization Could Impact Child Development

With school out for the summer, and social distancing the new norm, the lack of socialization for children could impact them later on. Social interaction is critical to a child’s development and the skills they learn and develop will follow them through the rest of their life. Whether this time of social separation will have…
The Child Development Benefits of Building Forts!

So, school has been canceled and your kids are stuck at home complaining about being bored. Due to the shutdown resulting from rising covid19 cases, there aren’t many places to go, and you can’t really visit anyone. Therefore, it seems that the only thing to keep children busy is to let them watch tv or…